
New Gear VR launched alongside with Galaxy Note 7!

During the launch of the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung also introduces the new generation of Gear VR headset. The new virtual reality headset from Samsung offers enhanced user comfort along with USB Type C connection which we believed it is designed to be compatible with Galaxy Note 7.






In comparison with the previous Gear VR, the new Gear VR comes in all black to prevent image reflection on the display. Besides there is a newly added Home button which provides convenience to access menu and options.



The new Gear VR also has a larger viewing angle to 101° which improved from the previous headset at 96°. The larger viewing angle also offers better and immersive VR experience to the user.





While the new Gear VR comes with USB Type C connector that fits with the newer generation of devices such as the recently launched Galaxy Note 7, Samsung also prepares a microUSB converter as accessories which makes this headset compatible with other Samsung smartphones.

The Samsung Gear VR will be open for pre-order from tomorrow and official available for sale on 19th August onwards. However there isn’t any news for Malaysian consumer yet.

Source : 安卓中文网
