
Enjoy double weekend quota from Celcom only for this weekend!

Yes you heard that right, all existing Celcom First Blue, First Gold and First Platinum users will get twice the amount of weekend data on the 21st and 22th May this year! Now you can enjoy more content stream right to your device anywhere you go!160519-celcom-FIRST-double-weekend-data-thomas-uber-cup



The double weekend data event is only happening for 1 weekend on the 21st and 22th May.

  • First Blue subscribers will get to enjoy 1GB of weekend quota instead of 500MB.
  • First Gold subscribers will get to enjoy 2.5GB weekend quota instead of 1.25GB.
  • First Platinum subscribers will get to enjoy 4.5GB weekend quota instead of 2.25GB.

The ongoing double weekend quota aim to celebrate and to cheer for our team at Thomas and Uber Cup 2016 happening in China!



