Few days ago we have covered a tiny operating system built by Huawei which is dedicated to the development of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Thing is a network and a system which is connected to the Internet which can be connected via all devices. These includes refridgerator, TV, lights, fan, aircons or even door which can be ultimately controlled via a single smartphone with an internet access. While this idea popped out, many tech industry has been focusing on the advancement of this technology, while Google also joining this trend to develop their own OS dedicated to IoT.
The OS is named as Brillo which is released under the Android brand and will be announced on the Google I/O next weekend. The connected OS which might only requires 32 or 64 MB of RAM can be implemented into major smart home appliances such as refrigerators, TVs to smaller tech such as garden monitors, light bulbs, door locks and sensors. Meanwhile, Google also offer the Brillio OS free to OEM which actually makes the IoT possible and economical feasible.
But here comes our question, how secure is the appliances connected with IoT?
Source: The Hacker News