
IDC: Huawei sales drop 0.6% in international market

Earlier yesterday, IDC has released the Q2 smartphone market report which analyzes international market smartphones sales of each brand on a certain period of time. In contrast with Q2 2017, Q2 2019 sales has dropped to 2.3% with total 333.2 billion units sold.


In terms of global rankings, IDC and other data companies have basically the same conclusion. The top five global manufacturers are Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Xiaomi and OPPO. The five companies have a total market share of 69%, and the share in 2018 has increased. 1.9% which emphasis matthew effect.

However, the specific situation of each manufacturer is different, among which Samsung, Huawei and OPPO have increased year-on-year, with a range of 5.5%, 8.3% and 0.3% respectively.

Apple and Xiaomi have seen a decline, with Apple down 18.2% year-on-year and Xiaomi down 0.2% year-on-year.

In comparison, Huawei’s shipments are 24 million higher than Apple’s, and its global share is 7.5% higher. It has already reached a huge gap with Apple in terms of scale.

Among them, Huawei’s shipments decreased by 0.6%. Considering the current situation, its performance was better than expected. Domestic shipments accounted for 62% of global shipments, reaching 36.4 million units.


