Lenovo had launched another new series of camera-phone during the Mobile World Congress three months earlier. The Lenovo Vibe Shot is expected to be official released on China during the upcoming June 2015. However, Lenovo seem can’t resist the urge to release this model! The Vibe Shot has been appeared on the Lenovo China website and opened for pre-order right now!
With thickness at 7.3mm, the Vibe Shot appears highly similar as a mobile camera. Specification side, the Vibe Shot is equipped with a 16MP camera on the back with tri-color flash. It also also comes with optical image stabilization and infrared focusing assist technology.
Featuring 5′ Full HD display, the Vibe Shot is also powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor and 3GB RAM with 32GB of storage. In terms of the pricing, the Lenovo Vibe Shot will be sold at RMB 1799 which is equivalent of RM1031. This device will be available in China in 22th May and it is unsure when will it be official imported into Malaysia. Click here for more information!