The LG has shines its light on the Mobile World Congress which recently ended few hours ago. This time, the LG G5 smartphones features a strikingly unique design which is totally not-conventionally. This means that LG G5 no longer has its power button and volume rocker on the rear of the smartphone, but instead it comes with a modular like part which can be swapped for more functionality! Without further ado, let’s have a in depth look of this smartphone and see what modular features it has to offer!
The LG G5 is sized at 149.4 x 73.9 x7.7 mm with a weight at 159g. It sports the 5.3 inches LG flagship Quantum IPS display at 554 ppi. The front display has some resemblances of the previous G series smartphone, especially the LG G3.
What’s more unique of this smartphone is its 3D Arc Glass curved display with a 8MP front facing camera hidden under it.
The LG G5 bottom comes with a modular design that supports different combination. More details to follow!
3.5mm audio jack and mic are located on the top.
SIM slot are located at the left that support up to 4G LTE network.
Microphone, USB Type C connector and speaker are located on the bottom. On a side note, the speaker on the LG G5 is powered by Qualcomm aptX HD audio technology.
THe G5 comes with microdizing alumimium plating technique that hid antenna of the smartphone well. It comes with a removable 2800mAh battery that supports Quick Charge 3.0.
The LG G5 comes with dual camera on the rear which are 16MP and 8MP in total. Both lens are involved in taking different angle shots which the flash located at the middle. The fingerprint module are located beneath the camera.
What a big change between LG G5 and LG G4!
LG G5 Features quick look
Running on Android 6.0, the conventional Android application drawer is now missing.
THe LG G5 supports Always-On display which has been a new emerging trend on flagship smartphone display today. This feature allow user to check the time, date and notification with only 0.8& of battery drained over an hour.
The volume rocker is also customizeable to launch different apps.
It also supports fingerprint recognition unlock!
THe LG G5 rear camera comes with normal view and wide angle view mode. The standard normal view mode comes with a viewing angle at 78 degree while the wide angle has a viewing angle at 135 degree. The wide angle lens can take up to 8MP while 78 degree view can shoot up to 16MP. The camera application is also able to take variety of modes such as pop-out pictures, FilmEffect and Auto shot capture mode.
LG G5 most breathtaking feature: Modular Type
With the Project Ara that features exchangeable hardware, LG G5 is also one of the LG initiative to make it happen. The Modular type design of the G5 allow instant swapping of battery and lot of additional functionality which we will be covering later.
LG G5 comes with 2 new modules which are the LG CAM Plus and LG Hi-Fi Plus with Bang&Ofulsen PLAY along with B&O in ear headphones.
Press the button on the bottom left and eject the bottom module!
After removing the battery, insert it into the your desired module.
Insert the module back to the G5 and you are good to go!
The LG CAM Plus the a new module that is dedicated in the field of photography. It adds more button and function when taking pictures such as the addition of camera shutter toggle, Zoom in and out lens and LED display light.
This module also adds another 1200mAh into this smartphone which prolong battery life when taking pictures or recording 4K video with this smartphone.
The smartphone is now more camera friendly!
LG Hi-Fi Plus with B&O Play
Undoubtedly, this piece of module is the collaborative effort of LG and Bang & Ofulsen that provides the best music experience on this smartphone.
The article above is originated from Zing Gadget is the official media parter for Sogi手机王. No reproduction is permitted.
Source : Sogi手机王