During October 2018, Qualcomm has announced their first generation 5G platform with Snapdragon X50 modem. The first SoC to bring this to action is the Snapdragon 855. However, there are some inefficiency observed on the first generation 5G baseband with poor performance. All of these issues is now resolved with the launch of Qualcomm X55 5G modem.
Instead of 28nm process like the X50, the X55 is now manufactured under 7nm performance which gives a significant boost of performance over efficiency and independently support 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network. With support of LTE Cat.22 on 4G connection, it is possible achieve download speed at 2.5Gbps.
The X55 is capable to support worldwide 5G network channel at 26Ghz, 28Ghz, 39Ghz and 5G NR 6Ghz based on TDD/FDD.
The last generation of X50 only supprots 28Ghz and 39Ghz and TDD mode 5G NR 6Ghz. However, the deployment of X55 modem is likely delayed till end of 2019 and the first batch Snapdragon 855 smartphone would be having the opportunity of these advanced features.
Meanwhile, Huawei also develops the new mmWave antenna module QTM525 to replace QTM052 which can be easily placed within smartphone mainboard. It supports 2×2 MIMO 800Hz frequency and able to achieve 7Gbps with LTE 4G and 6Ghz channel.
Besides, Qualcomm also bring 2 new 5G RF solution with QET6100 and QAT3555. The QET5100 is available on Snapdragon X50 and its the first to support 100Mhz upload band with 2x the performance and battery friendly.
The QAT3555 supports majority of 5G antenna from 600Mhz to 6Ghz with enhanced network coverage, making 5G network a practical solution.