During February 2019, Samsung has launched their first flagship smartphone known as Galaxy Fold. And coming to this February, Samsung has unveiled the new foldable smartphone which is known as Galaxy Z Flip. The Z Flip is totally different type of foldable smartphone unlike its first generation Galaxy Fold. In the meantime, there is news that shows the Galaxy Fold 2 will be launching in Augusut this year.
According to a report by SamMobile, one of its supplier has announced that they will be producing Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 required parts from May onward which will be used onto the new Galaxy Fold 2. There is further news suggest that the Galaxy Fold 2 will be launched along with Samsung Galaxy Note 20 on August this year.
If the first first batch of the Galaxy Fold 2 is supposed to be completed by May this year, it is entirely possible that the Galaxy Fold 2 will be launched this year and the above claim could be true.
As far as we know, the Galaxy Fold 2 sports a Snapdragon 865 SoC and supports dual 5G connectivity. The pricing would fall around the range of Galaxy Z Flip as the Galaxy Z Flip has a pretty good sales record for a foldable phone.