Just a few months after the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge has launched, the next upcoming Samsung Galaxy S flagship news and leaks have appeared on the internet and it is claimed to sport a dual rear camera and a 4k display!
According to the latest rumors, the Galaxy S8 is said to feature a 5.5 inches to 5.8 inches 4K display (2160p) and a pixel density at 806ppi. This could likely be the 5.5 inches 4K AMOLED display that Samsung showcasted earlier this year.
Meanwhile, it is also to feature a dual rear camera similar with the LG G5 where one camera takes the normal while the another one take wide angle scenery.
There is no news on the type of processor that will power this beast but we expect it would be the latest state of the art processor during the launch time (E.g.: Snapdragon 830). Excited?
Source : 安卓中文网