Apart from the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, there are more new smartphones to be launched in the year 2016. This includes the new Samsung Galaxy A9 which is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 that comes with ARM Cortex A72 high performance cores!
According to Antutu Benchmark, the 28nm manufacturing process Qualcomm processor hasbenchmark scores classed in the mid-range.
In the multi-core test, Galaxy A9 has a higher benchmark scores higher than Snapdragon 810 in the Huawei Nexus 6P.
However in the GPU GFX Benchmark test, the Adreno 510 Galaxy A9 did not perform as well as other GPUs on the other SoC from the flagship smartphone listed above.
As a mid-range processor, the Snapdragon 652 features an older manufacture process at 28nm as the 2015 Snapdragon 800 series is powered by 20nm process while Snapdragon 820 comes with 14nm process.
Source : Android.tgbus, Gsmarena