
Google announces 10.4% of total users runs on Android Pie

Recently, Google has announced that the Android Pie distribution took up 10.4% of total Android users. In contrast with last year, the total expansion of Android Pie users is 150%.

From the data in the chart, Android Pie usage is still lower than Android Oreo usage while Android Oreo still accounts for the largest distribution in Android. Android 8.0 is accounted for 12.9% and Android 8.1 is accounted for 15.4% from total Android users. According to Google, Android Pie usage has grown faster than Android Oreo. A comparison of the same timeframe shows that Android Oreo usage is at 5.7% duringMay 2018. Other versions distribution such as Android Nougat is at 19.2% (versions of 7.0 and 7.1), Android 6.0 for Marshmallow is at 16.9% and Android Lollipop is at 14.5% (for 4.1 and 4.0).

Google Android version usage distribution rate is far less than Apple’s iOS, Apple’s latest version iOS 12 used 23 days to reach total distribution at 50%, which is a certain gap with Google’s latest version of Oreo. 80% of all Apple users use the latest upgrade released on February 24th, while only 8% use an older version than 2017 iOS 11.

It seems like fragmentation has a long way to be resolved.


