It has been half a year that Android Lollipop has been roll out to latest Android smartphones in 2015. Same goes to the last generation of Asus Zenfone that went viral with the highly affordable price range and impressive performance. However, due to previous compatibility issues with Intel processors, Asus has faced a great obstacle when pushing Android Lollipop update onto the older Zenfone. Now, Asus finally make through the leap and Android Lollipop for Zenfone 4, 5 and 6 is finally pass through testing and now available for download!
Download link below
Version WW_6.6.3 (Users have to upgrade to this firmware first)
ZenFone 5:
Version WW_2.22.40.53 (Users have to upgrade to this firmware first)
Version WW_3.23.40.52 (Android L)
ZenFone 6:
Version WW_2.20.40.44 (Users have to upgrade to this firmware first)
Version WW_3.23.40.52 (AndroidL)
This information was based on Asus Official forum – ZenTalk. Both Asus Zenfone 4 and 5 can be upgraded to Lollipop via OTA while Zenfone 6 users have to manually upgrade by downloading the firmware.