The recent launch of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has received positive response on Malaysian smartphone market. As the first 1000 pre-order of the S7 Edge has fully booked on the first 3 hours, Celcom also launched the S7 Edge smartphone plan along with their Celcom FIRST Blue plan with a monthly commitment at RM45!
The Galaxy S7 Edge plans comes with Celcom FIRST Blue and First Gold.
Celcom FIRST Gold Plan
This Celcom plan comes with a monthly commitment at RM80 and subscriber can purchase the latest Galaxy S7 Edge only at RM2689. This plan comes with 5GB of monthly quota and 5GB of weekend free quota, 5 GB of Celcom WiFiPlus and comes with unlimited calls. If 5GB of monthly quota might be a bit excessive for you, user can opt into Celcom First Blue plan with a monthly commitment at RM45.
Besides, Celcom also will be giving out a unit of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge for free if you subscribe it before March 14th (the official launch date of the Galaxy S7 Edge). The pre-order for the S7 Edge with Celcom FIRST Blue plan start from March 10th to 14th and can be registered through here!