
WhatsApp new update increase Group Chat limits to 256 users!

One of the most successful social internet messaging application – Whatsapp has recently turned into free services after Facebook acquisition few years ago. Few days ago, this multi-million service has proudly announced that there are more than 10 billion total active users at this moment! 

While WhatsApp is improving their services to the public bits by bits, the recent update on the Whatsapp brings more functionality into Group Chat. As previously limited to 100 users, Whatsapp Group Chat can now accommodates 256 users in a single group!





This update is seen on version  2.12.13 (Android) and  2.12.367 (iOS).

Although it is a painful to watch 10 people chat in a single moment, imagine this happened on a 256 users group chat. Nevertheless, this upgrade likely brings more benefits onto a specific community or an enterprise where communication is placed in the top priority.

Source : qooah
